Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 8: Light and Shadow

I took this picture while driving in the car (don't worry I was just a passenger). The reason I felt compelled to take this picture was because of the stark contrast between the brightness and darkness of the sky. Parts of the sky were so bright with sunshine while other parts were so dark. I began to think of this picture in terms of stage lighting. How would you go about getting such brightness on parts of the stage while creating such dark shadows on other parts of the stage. I think the most important thing to pay attention to would be the angle at which your light is coming from because the shadows can be intensified by simply changing the angle of the light.

1 comment:

  1. This type of contrast depends a lot of scenery, as if the set is a high value color it is hard to create the contrast as the light will bounce around the room but if the set is darker, we can better simulate this affect

    Nice post and image :)
