Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 6: Painted Sky and Color Theory

We looked at color theory this week and discussed the creation of different natural color settings, mood and the like. I snapped a photo of the clouds at sunset and was struck by how many gorgeous colors were made simply by the sun. It is almost as if someone painted the sky that night and I thought of how I may recreate this on a stage. There seems to be a distinct separation of shadow that splits the sky in half - there is the warm pink-ish color to the left of the photo that divides into a cooler gray. Based on our lighting presentations, this layout may represent a kind of hope. They are the same clouds, but the ones that are pushed into the light are the ones that have a brighter and more beautiful hue than the ones that stay shrouded in a darker part of the sky. To truly outgeek myself, the quote that came to mind when I thought of this picture was from Harry Potter: "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” How true :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice image and comments!

    take a look closer at the "gray" clouds and see if you don't see lavender instead

    Nice comparisons to what we have been doing in class :)
