Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 6: Infinite Glow

I took this picture while I was walking through Disneyland after the park had closed. I noticed the reflections of the lights across the Rivers of America and snapped a quick picture. The scene reminded me of those infinity mirror illusions, how it continues on a distance and then fades into nothingness (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll include a link here:

If my blog posts thus far have not made it obvious, I am very fascinated by the effects of reflection upon light. This effect implemented in the photograph produces long glowing shapes. The few specks of light at the tips of these shapes seem to be like water dripping off long stalactites in some icy, glowing cave. This picture does not offer much in terms of color, but it should be noted that the lights appear to bear a warmer tint rather than a cool one.

I find it interesting how my phone camera captures a scene so different than my eye perceives it. For example, my eye was able to distinguish far more light than the picture depicts. The picture seems to give each of the light sources a diagonally-streaking lens flare. I’m not exactly sure what this is (perhaps you know?) but I don’t recall seeing those streaks with my naked eye.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post - very thoughtful

    The diagonal lines are a bi-product of the lens but I do not pretend to know enough about photography to explain it - Ron Cargile, our lighting supervisor, would probably be able to tell you

    Nice study in light!
