Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 8: Colors In Dark Light

So this week my family decided to come join me here in Irvine due to me not being able to go home. One night while I was taking my sister to newport beach, I noticed how interesting this picture captured the colors of the trees and the buildings in the background. It got me thinking about how color looks in different tints, especially considering what we have been discussing in class with the Our Town projects. One thing I noticed is that the colors seem to be a different tint then they are when they are fully lit with the sun and I wondered how I could imitate this effect on the stage. Their is always a source light and fill light, but I think more in the terms of literally dropping two very similar colors into different lights and see how it would look on stage. This is definitely different than what is being represented in this photo, but I am interested in how I can duplicate this fading light but completely fill. Honestly this might be something very easy to do with how much light I actually send through, but its still something that has me thinking very heavily on how light can be played with onstage to create a certain effect. I will definitely play with this moving forward with my Our Town project.

1 comment:

  1. Nice image

    After your project, bring this up to me and we can talk more

