Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 8-- Night Light

This picture was taken in the parking lot of the in-n-out near my house. As I was enjoying my burger and fries with my friend I noticed these trees. What really caught my attention was how the light from the street lamps were hitting the trees. It was clear where the light source was specifically hitting especially on the fuller tree in the back. You can clearly see the bright center of the pool of light and how it begins to fade out. The center is so bright but the top edges become hardly distinguishable from the night sky.  The light adds so much dimension and color to the tree. Instead of it appearing to be a pretty bland one tone green. there are multiple shades and shadow that bring life to the tree especially since it was so dark. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are noticing random lighting effects in nature

    Nice post and talk of color!
