Monday, October 1, 2012

Week #2: Aged Wall & Blustery Day

After our first class and discussion about this blog, two photos came to mind that I thought would add nicely.

This first one was taken a few years ago in my lower level garage back home in LA. I was doing laundry one day and was taken aback by how awesome it looked to see how the sun was shining into the parking garage, I just had to go grab my camera. I'm not sure what the light is reflecting, I don't think it's smoke like Stacie's, but whatever it was it sure created a cool image. More that just the way the light looks, I also really love how weathered the walls look. You can see the years of rain that has affected the concrete. I took this same shot in black and white also, but choose to go with this one because of the awesome colors, it looks like it could be a prison or dungeon!

This next one was also taken a few years ago while I was driving to the beach with a friend one Sunday, in Santa Monica. On this day it was SUPER windy and dusty. The wind had picked up so much dust that (to me) everything sort of looked like it was in black in white. I felt like we had jumped into that movie Pleasantville, or had timed traveled somewhere. I also love the splash of blue that is caused by the sun reflecting through my windshield.


1 comment:

  1. Really nice photos! The depth of field in the one above talks a lot about the human reaction to foreground and background and the parking garage photo elicits so many ideas of the industrial and raw qualities of lights - very different brush strokes

    Nice posts - remember this was Week 2 blog and then next one will be Week 4.


