Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 2: Here Comes The Sun?

I was trying to think of an exceptionally clever title, and ended up going Beatles. I apologize for the cliche nature of my choice.

This was taken a few days ago, mid-afternoon as I walked home from Campus (it's the bridge between Middle Earth housing and whatever other housing is behind it). I've always been especially intrigued by what sunlight does; to be more specific, (and among other things), the ways it alters perception and mood. The silver linings of the clouds, and the wash the sunlight places over everything (which doesn't show up as well in this picture as I'd like), are warmer than one might expect for that time of day, even with the season so close to changing. The shadows seem a little less sharp (and I now know why! Hey, I echo Alex's question - what is the F2 of the sun?) and the sky is lit up with silver streaks. There's a line in Merchant of Venice when Lorenzo speaks of the stars and how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with  patines of bright gold. In this case it's silver, but I see his point.


  1. BEAUTIFUL! My favorite clouds are like these where you get the hard edges versus the fluffy looking clouds. It's just such a great contrast of blue and white (or should I say blue and every other color now?).

  2. Very nice crisp image. Great photo of foreground and background -

    Nice analysis of the photo
