Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week 4 Nature's Gobo

I really loved lighting in this photo. What first caught my attention was the light shining through this tall hedge I immediately thought back to some of the gobos we looked at in class. It was great to see it occurring on its own in nature. The light passing through the hedge lets through some light and creates a great contrast with the leaves, forming different shades of green. But my favorite part of the picture has to be the sun in the upper right corner. it is so bright and strong and if it had not been peeking out over the hedge you would not be able to tell that it was shining that brightly. It interesting to see how such a bright source of light can be manipulated to look much different when it is shining through a different medium. If I had cut the picture of right before the hedge ended and looked at the picutre it would have been difficult to figure out how bright it was outside. The hedge adds a mysterious kind of energy to the light source and makes you rely more on your imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice emotions and story pulled from the photo

    Also you attention to the details of light and shadow, or light and the absence of it
